Battery Percentage: How to Enable It on Latest iPhones

The battery percentage was displayed in the status bar when you toggled a minor switch in the settings menu. With the Apple latest model iPhones, though things become more tricky. Here is an easy way to view the battery percentage on your iPhone.

  • The iPhone’s control center is accessible by swiping down from the upper right corner.
  • There, the iPhone battery percentage will be displayed alongside the battery icon.
  • This is a temporary solution; consider widgets or other alternatives if you wish to display the battery percentage.
iPhone's control center is accessible by swiping down

Additional ways to enable battery percentage on the iPhone.

Utilise widgets to display battery capacity

iOS 14 included home screen widget support. Widgets for batteries show iPhone battery percentage only if you choose the right one.

Utilize widgets to display battery capacity

Long-pressing on your home screen brings up the widgets menu.

Choose the “Batteries” widget. Three variations are available: a small one with four app spots (2 x 2), a medium one with eight (4 x 2), and a more detailed large one with 16 (4 x 2). ( 4 x 4). Use drag and drop or the “Add widget” button to include one.

All widgets display battery life if additional devices are connected. The medium and enormous widgets display Apple Watch and AirPods.

Make a voice command to Siri

If you use Siri a lot, you can use the questions below to find out how full the battery is. Since there are so many options, just ask Siri how much power is left in your iPhone. Siri could also answer the following questions:

Make a voice command to Siri
  • What is the state of my battery?
  • Battery capacity?
  • Battery condition?
  • Battery life?
  • Charged batteries?
  • How much battery power do I still have?


Most of you know that when you plug in your iPhone to charge, you can see the battery percentage immediately. You can see if you charge with the lightning connector, MagSafe charger, or wirelessly.

iPhone Charging Battery

iPhone 12 MagSafe charging animations differ. This isn’t available on other iPhones; the battery icon percentage is under it.

After disconnecting your iPhone from power or wireless charging, the lock screen will display a similar notification. iPhone’s battery percentage will replace the date underneath the clock on the lock screen.

Tip: Seeing your iPhone’s battery percentage is good, but it will only extend its life. iOS Low Power Mode can extend iPhone battery life.

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