At the Snapdragon TechSummit 2022 event, the new flagship CPU Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 was unveiled today. With this processor, Qualcomm is continuing its tradition of breaking new ground. Dimensity 9200, a new player from MediaTek, was introduced last week. We came across brand-new capabilities for the first time, including the most recent CPU cores built on Arm’s V9 architecture, hardware-based ray tracing, and Wifi-7 in a chip. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is not outperformed by the Dimensity 9200. It possesses the same ground-breaking qualities. It is also mentioned that the ISP side of it is highly optimised. Without further ado, let’s explore the new chipset in more detail.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Specifications
The stunning Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is. The next flagship cellphones of 2023 will be powered by it. By the end of the year, many firms have promised to release their versions employing this chip. Brands including ASUS ROG, HONOR, iQOO, Motorola, nubia, OnePlus, Oppo, RedMagic, Redmi, Sharp, Sony, Vivo, Xiaomi, XINGJI/MEIZU, and ZTE will feature what Qualcomm terms “breakthrough artificial intelligence” SOC. This new development is remarkable.
The octa-core CPU configuration of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 can run at 3.2GHz. The 3.2GHz Cortex-X3 is a new, high-performance core created by ARM. Cortex-A715 at 2.8 GHz and Cortex-A510 at 2.0 GHz are the auxiliary cores. There are faster clock rates compared to Qualcomm chips that came before it. It accomplishes this using cutting-edge TSMC 4nm+ (N4P) manufacturing technology. The effectiveness of the TSMC manufacturing method has been repeatedly demonstrated. Due to Samsung, Qualcomm experienced certain issues with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor.
Users were frustrated with issues like high battery use, warmth, and FPS decreases in games. Later, Qualcomm understood this. The improved version of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, has been made available. The Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1’s use of the TSMC production process is its most significant distinction. Power effectiveness and sustainable performance have improved significantly. This knowledge is maintained by the new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. The electricity efficiency will rise by 40%, according to the announcement. In its new chip, MediaTek has not mentioned such a significant increase. Let’s assume up front that we will thoroughly analyse the performance situation on new devices.
Qualcomm asserted a 25% performance improvement over its predecessor for the GPU. It includes a few fresh features that set it apart from its rivals. Ray tracing technology that is based on hardware is one of them. OpenGL ES 3.2, OpenCL 2.0 FP, and Vulkan 1.3 are supported APIs. A feature known as the new Snapdragon Shadow Denoiser was discussed by Qualcomm. According to our assessments, this function modifies the shadows in games dependent on the scene. Since Snapdragon 888, variable rate shading (VRS) has been a thing. This is a distinct feature, though. Your best gaming experience is what the new Adreno GPU aims to provide.
According to Qualcomm, artificial intelligence performance has grown by up as 4.3 times. According to reports, performance per watt increased by 60%. Instant translations will work better thanks to the new Hexagon processor. The photos you took can be processed more quickly thanks to it. We must bring up the new ISP while we’re talking about photography. With the makers of sensors, a strong connection has been made. In response, Qualcomm has made certain adjustments. Samsung ISOCELL HP3, the first 200MP picture sensor optimised for Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, produces professional-caliber images and movies. Additionally, the AV1 codec, which supports video playback at up to 8K HDR and 60 frames per second, is a first for the Snapdragon chipset.It turns out that Samsung’s Galaxy S23 series will feature a new 200MP ISOCELL HP3 sensor.
Finally, the Snapdragon X70 5G Modem is unveiled for connectivity. It is capable of speeds of 10Gbps download and 3.5Gbps upload. In terms of wifi, this is the first Qualcomm processor to support Wifi-7 and a maximum speed of 5.8Gbps. These developments are significant. The new cellphones are something we are anticipating. Many users are interested in using these features. Don’t panic; as we have stated, smartphone makers will release Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 products before year’s end. What do you think about the brand-new Snapdragon 8 Gen 2? Remember to express your ideas.
Credits to Official Qualcomm webpage, this information containing source..